Florance Simpson is Dangerously Crafty!
Inspiration for creatively intrepid artists & crafters.

Located in beautiful Victoria, BC

Friday, September 14, 2012

Monster Love

It's not like I've been lazy or anything...

You know how it is when you 'fall' for someone or in my case 'something'...you forget all about the little things that you're supposed to do because you're so involved with your 'new love'.
I have been making wee Monster High doll fashions and learning the fine art of 'repainting'...these two photos are examples of what has kept me away from my bloggy for so long. I shall endeavor to 'share' more often...promise.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What is it about Canadian artists and crafters?

This is a rant...you've been warned...if you decide to continue please grab a cuppa' tea or your preferred beverage and read away...hell leave a comment and maybe we can start something here!

My daughter sent me this email yesterday:

Hey mama...if you write that book on patch work jeans & start your yoga back up again you could be a Teacher at one of these (& bring me along since I'm suggesting it?!?) wouldn't this be a cool thing to have up here too?Hmmmm.... ;-) xoxoxox
Click here:http://www.squamartworkshops.com/

My response to her email:

Hi Love...yep, I know all about Squam but I don't have a hit website, I don't have a book, I'm not 'young' and as you know over the years I tried to get a similar retreat thing going up here but Canadians are not very supportive of fellow artists and hide their own creative lights so far underneath their USA counterparts that you'd think we were a country of no talents...it would be fabulous though...take the ball and run with it:) xxoo mama

Did I sound a little harsh, perhaps a wee bit bitter...damn straight I did!
I confess that I have become lazy (note...I told the daughter to take the ball and run with it) and could do a whole lot more to promote and start a fabulous Squam-ish style art retreat opportunity for Canadian girls/women...believe me I have serious Squam-envy because several years ago this was my big dream.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Americans seem to have this whole artist/crafter support system down to an 'art' (pun intended)...and quite frankly I think we are huge supporters of it...we love to read their blogs, take their online classes, cross the border and attend their workshops and retreats...and we love it, right...oh come on, sure you do!
Personally I spend so much time reading their blogs and wishing I could go to their retreats that I'm embarrassed.

Don't get me wrong I read many lovely Canadians blogs:


...these are but a few of the wildly talented women right here under our Canadian noses. I confess I am a lurker, I read their blogs but don't leave comments and I feel much shame in that...because I realize that if we are not showing support to these women how can we expect to ever have retreats of our own with some of these fabulously talented Canadian women sharing their skills with us?
I too am an artist/crafter that hides her talents under a great deal of real/false modesty and I could name at least a dozen other multi-talented women right here in my home town that have so much creative talent it would knock your socks off!

Do us all a favor and if you're a Canadian woman who has a unique artistic or crafty talent that you share on a blog leave a comment and a link. If you're interested in teaching at a retreat let me know...I've decide to grab the ball back from my daughter and try again! If you're interested in attending an arts and crafting retreat let me know as well...can't have a retreat without women who will support it...and pass this blog post on to all your Canadian women friends who might love an opportunity to join us.

Let's be the start of something wonderful and inspirational, let's encourage each other to recognise our talents and our love of creativity as Canadians!

...we can still love the American artists & crafters, we have a great deal to learn from them and their solidarity.

If you've read all the way through to here you deserve a thank you and I truly hope you'll leave a comment...good or bad, I think we need a collective kick in the butt to get motivated and be supportive.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wonderful changes are happening here!

Stay tuned as Florance transforms Dangerously Crafty...

Mizz Fitz Doll Workshop with Florance

Pictures from the Mizz Fitz Doll Workshop taught by Florance.
Keep looking...scroll down so you can see all the fabulous two-headed Mizz Fitz these amazing women created!
I`ll be running another one in January 2012, email if you would like to participate.